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Chico Jr. Cross Country

Cross Country is a sport of running that includes running grass, dirt, trails and hills. Cross Country training builds physical and mental strength, lifelong relationships and is a complement to any sport.  Races at the middle school level are between 1.2-1.8 Miles.


Chico Unified, Paradise and Orland school districts host an annual fall cross-country season. Teams compete weekly, culminating in a grand event where the top five boys and girls in each grade are awarded medals. Additionally, Cross Country teams are scored based on runners' finishing positions. Each runner is assigned points corresponding to their placement: first place earns 1 point, second place earns 2 points, and so forth. The scores of each team's top five finishers are combined for a team score, with the lowest score winning.


Chico Jr. Cross Country kicks off Wednesday September 4th and runs through the month of October.  Practices are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-4:30 PM. We will host optional Saturday morning runs as an additional opportunity for your athlete to explore our beautiful Bidwell Park and its trails. Races will be on Thursdays or Saturday starting the third week of the season.


A preliminary calendar of the season can be downloaded here.  We will send out a finalized calendar, including race details, once the season starts. 

2024 Tshirt Design

T-shirts cost $15 per unit. We will be asking parents to help contribute to the fund so that every kid can get a shirt.  


Your Coaches 

Danny DiMeo & Meghan Rollins

Danny and Meghan have been coaching together at Chico Jr for the past two years. They continue their passion for coaching and mentorship through the youth running club, Chico Striders. Both Danny and Meghan believe in the transformative power of sports, emphasizing the importance of building self-confidence and fostering both mental and physical strength in their athletes.


Any questions please do not hesitate to contact 

Danny DiMeo - 

Ph.: 530-519-3265


Season Information


Please complete the Cross-Country Parent contact form. Coaches will use the information to keep parents up to date on season events, volunteer opportunities, results and other fun team information.  

Parent Permission Slip

Parent permission consent forms must be completed by the end of the first week to participate on the team. Completed permission slips can be emailed to coach Danny,, or brought to the first week of practice.

Volunteers & Parent Support 

Parent support is welcome and appreciated. At the beginning of the season a volunteer sign up sheet will be routed for team snacks and race support.  


If you are interested in getting more involved at practice and running with the team, please email coach Danny at 

Communication and Photos

TeamSnap is a web based & mobile communication app that allows parents real time to chat with coaches or other parents, and stay up to date on the most current practice/race information. Once registered parents will be invited to our Chico Jr. Cross Country TeamSnap roster.  Once the season starts parents should expect weekly email updates through TeamSnap. Don't miss out on the team discussions, photos and more. Download the App and ensure your email addresses are loaded correctly. 


Coaches love taking photos and sharing, especially on race day.  Photos will be added to the Chico Strider Facebook Page.  

Race Results 

Race results will be uploaded to the Results page on the Chico Strider website. You can find current top 10 lists and last year results there now. Visit

What to Bring to Practice

  • Running shoes. A good pair of running shoes will prevent injury as they absorb the impact of running and provide a foundation for better leg support. Proper fit is the most important part of choosing the best shoe possible. Speaking to a fit specialist at our local running and sporting stores is recommended.

  • Appropriate athletic attire,

  • Water bottle & snack for post run

  • Athletic watch with timing, start and stop. GPS versions are not required

  • A Positive Attitude!

Team Expectations

  • If you need to miss practice, communicate with your coaches.

  • Respect all athletes and coaches.

  • Be ready to run by 3:00 pm for practice.

  • Be courteous and encouraging to your teammates

  • Athletes must do their best to run and not walk. Cross Country is a sport.

  • Athletes will participate fully in all warm-ups, cool-down and strength training exercises as designed by the coaches

  • Be respectful to everyone in the park

  • Safety while running off campus is always a priority. Athletes should always follow all traffic/pedestrian laws. While at practice, always run with teammate, stay on the described route, and inform coaches if you plan to deviate from the route.


Heat Mandate: If the heat is above 104 degrees outdoor sports at Chico Unified are canceled or moved indoors

The Best, No Less...We Rise Above The Rest

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